Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sweet Potato Pie Pancakes with Pecan Praline Syrup

Sweet Southern Goodness!

If you love Sweet Potato Pie, then you're going to love my Sweet Potato Pie Pancakes with Pecan Praline Syrup. Why not mix two of the south's best eats, sweet potatoes and pecans!

I love pancakes, I make apple pancakes, pumpkin pancakes, bacon pancakes, yes, I said bacon pancakes! Mix up some quick pancake batter and add crispy bacon to the mix, it works, believe me.

Today in honor of my best friend, the sweet potato I decided to whip up some quick Sweet Potato Pie Pancakes. Don't forget to make the Pecan Praline Syrup, it comes together just as quick as the pancake batter.

Start by mixing your wet ingredients in a separate bowl, then mix all your dry ingredients in another bowl then fold them together. In the case of pancakes a little lumps are OK.

I served these beauties with a side of thick cut bacon and some grits. And because I made a lot of Pecan Praline Syrup I will be using that later to pour over some good French Vanilla Ice cream.

Sweet Potato Pie Pancakes with Pecan Praline Syrup

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes
Servings: 8 pancakes

1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
3 tbsp. brown sugar
2 tsp. baking powder 
1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ginger
1/2 tsp. allspice
1/4 tsp. salt
1 1/4-1 1/2 c. whole milk, more depending on desired texture.
1 ½ c. sweet potato puree
3 tbs. melted butter
1 egg
nonstick cooking spray
Pecan Praline Syrup (recipe below)


In a medium bowl whisk milk, sweet potato, melted butter and egg.

In a separate bowl, mix all dry ingredients.

Fold dry ingredients into wet ingredients, do not over mix a little lumps are fine.

Heats a skillet coated with nonstick cooking spray, over medium low heat and drop pancake batter by ½ cup and cook 3-4 minutes per side. 

Pecan Praline Syrup

2 c. butter, unsalted
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. whole milk
1 c. pecan chopped
1 tsp. vanilla

Melt butter in a medium sauce pan, add remaining ingredients except vanilla, and bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 7 minutes stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and add vanilla and serve warm over pancakes or ice cream. Store covered in the refrigerator. 

Note: If you can't find sweet potato puree, take 3 sweet potatoes and bake at 375 for about 1 hour, peel, dice and whip in a food processor until nice and creamy. You could also use 1 1/2 cups of store bought sweet potatoes, drained and whipped in a blender until creamy.


  1. this looks absolutely delicious... I might give it a try soon!!! might have to adjust on the spices cause we don't really have the same mixes, but I can't wait to try!
    Thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you Clelia,
      You can use any type of pie spices you have available and it would turn out just fine, you also substitute the sweet potatoes for pumpkin.

  2. Have never tried making Potato Pie Pancakes at home but this time I'll give it a go. Thanks for sharing this recipe! Can't wait to have a bite of it. Yummy!!!

    1. Thank you, I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

  3. These look absolutely yummy. How did you get the sweet potato puree? Was it leftover pie filling? Thanks.

    1. Hello Shirley,
      If you can't find sweet potato pie filling in the store, then take a can of sweet potatoes and puree them in a blender. After you puree them, I would also beat the sweet potatoes with a mixer to fluff them up.

    2. Hello Shirley, I added a link to purchase sweet potato puree.

  4. These are so very very good. Thanks for posting. I found canned sweet potato puree at my local health food store next to the pumpkin. But I would think you can also use baby food maybe? I appreciate you taking the time and effort to list good recipes. I'm looking forward to trying many more of your recipes. Thanks again.

    1. Thank you Jeannie, and what an excellent idea, baby food would work, it is pureed perfectly. Next time I am using organic baby food sweet potatoes, why not. Thanks for the tip. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. These looks AMAZING!! I cannot wait to make these!

