Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sweet Potato Pie Cheesecake with Butter Pecan Crust

Taste like PIE!

Yes, this is my second cheesecake in 7 days, count them, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,! I started out with my Mile High Cheese Cake.

Then I was informed by Louisiana Cookin that they are having a Sweet Potato Recipe Challenge. I made my Sweet Potato Pie Pancakes yesterday, and today I decided to make a Sweet Potato Cheesecake to enter as well.

A great cheesecake starts off with great ingredients, which means I only use Philadelphia cream cheese. It's what my momma use and so I must use it as well.

You can't skimp on cheesecake greatness. Great ingredients equates to a great finished, tasty product.

I decided to kick up my cheesecake by using pecan shortbread cookies for the crust, I got this idea from America's Test Kitchen when I saw them use lemon cream cookies for the crust.

Hey, why not, I love graham crackers but I love, love some pecan shortbread cookies as well. If you want to get even more inventive add about a 1/2 cup of extra pecans to grind up with the shortbread cookies and use 1 more tablespoon of butter.  Does this not sound divine!

Sweet Potato Pie Cheesecake with Butter Pecan Crust


8 oz. pecan sandies cookies, crushed finely
5 tbsp. butter, melted
3 tbsp. sugar

Crush cookies, add butter and sugar and mix well.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Butter spring form pan or spray with nonstick cooking spray. Place crust mixture in pan and with the back of a measuring cup, tap mixture on the bottom and up the sides of the spring form pan.

This is enough mixture to go halfway up the sides of the pan. Bake for 13 minutes, set aside to cool.



1 c. sweet potato puree
5 large eggs, room temperature
2 c. sour cream, room temperature
4-8oz. packages of Philadelphia cream cheese, room temperature
8 tbsp. unsalted butter, room temperature
1 c. white sugar
1/2 c. brown sugar
2 tbsp. cornstarch
1 tbsp. vanilla
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. lemon zest
1 tsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp. allspice
1/2 tsp. ground ginger

Preheat oven to 300 degrees
Wrap a double layer of heavy-duty aluminum foil tightly around the outside bottom and sides, crimping and pleating the foil to make it conform to the pan.  This will help to prevent water seeping into the pan.
Beat the eggs, sweet potato, and sour cream until well blended about 1 minute.
In a medium-sized bowl, beat the cream cheese with the butter until smooth and creamy.  Add this to the egg-sour cream, potato mixture and beat until smooth
Add the sugar, spices, cornstarch, vanilla, lemon juice and lemon zest and beat thoroughly, about 2 minutes. 
Pour into the prepared spring form pan and place in a roasting pan (or other pan) large enough to prevent the sides from touching.  Place in the oven and carefully pour in enough very hot tap water to reach halfway up the sides of the spring form pan.
Bake for 2 hours, 15 minutes, or until the cake is very lightly colored and a knife inserted in the center emerges clean.  Remove from the water bath and carefully peel the aluminum foil from around the pan.  Let stand at room temperature until completely cool, about 4 hours.  
Refrigerate, covered, until well chilled. 
To Serve:
To cut cake, take a boiling cup of hot water, place knife in hot water and dry, cut one side, dip knife in water again, dry and cut again. Perfect cut!

Note: I allow my cheesecake to chill 1-2 days before I eat it. I think the flavors fully develop by waiting over 24 hours, if you can wait that long.


  1. Lisa, this cheesecake looks adorable! So creamy and flavorful! Never tried a cheesecake with sweet potato before, I must give it a try. I'm not sure I can wait more than a few hours to eat this yummy cheesecake!

    1. Thank you Zerrin, I never tried a cheesecake with sweet potato until today, LOL. I normally use pumpkin but I figured why not sweet potato it taste good in pie so why not a cheesecake. LOL, it was really good it tasted like a creamy delicious pie. It's going to be even better tomorrow after I let it rest.
