Sunday, November 3, 2013

Fish and Grits

It's a beautiful Sunday and although I just finished chopping up everything for a gumbo, I decided to make this quick fish and grits for breakfast...yes...breakfast!

The key to great grits is...well...great grits...and every since I was introduced to these grits by the wonderful people at Carolina Creole...I've been hooked!

Click the link for my shrimp and grits for the tutorial on making those grits sing!

I love fish and I find by slicing the fillets in half makes it easier to cook.

I like to serve my fish and grits by topping the grits with the hot fish and garnishing with a little Italian Parsley or green onions.

It's time to eat, and don't forget the Tabasco

Fish and Grits

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 40 minutes
Servings: 4-6


4-6 whitefish filets such as  tilapia, swai, or red snapper
1 tablespoon creole seasoning

2 teaspoons black pepper

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 teaspoon onion powder

1 teaspoon paprika

2 tablespoons hot sauce

1 tablespoon yellow mustard

1 egg beaten

1 cup flour

1 cup corn meal

Large bottle of canola or vegetable oil
Italian Parsley for garnish

For the Grits
1 cup Carolina Creole Grits
3 cups of chicken broth
1 cup of heavy cream
1 cup of water
1 stick of butter
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon creole seasoning
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 cup sharp cheddar cheese, grated
1 cup jack cheese, grated
a few dashes of hot sauce

To prepare the grits, heat all the liquid ingredients in a stock pot over high heat, add butter and seasonings, when mixture comes to a boil, slowly stir in grits, while whisking non stop for 2 minutes, reduce heat to low, cover grits and cook stirring occasionally for about 30 minutes.

Add extra broth to thin grits if needed. Stir in cheeses and hot sauce whisk well.

To Prepare the fish, mix seasonings into a small bowl, divide. Rinse fish in cold water, pat dry. Cut fish into 1/2 inch strips.  
Place fish on flat surface to season. Season the fish on one side with half of the seasonings. Lightly toss seasoned fish so the seasoning is evenly distributed. Add beaten egg, hot sauce and mustard to fish. Mix lightly and set aside.

Add cornmeal and flour (corn flour) to a brown paper bag or freezer bag season with remaining seasonings shake to mix up. 

Heat oil to 350 degrees using a cooking thermometer if you don’t own one then do it the way my mother taught me. Take a little bit of corn flour, drop it in the oil, if the corn flour starts to fry quickly and floats to the top, the oil is ready.                                                                                                                       

Shake loose excess corn flour as you lift fish out to place in fryer.

Fry fish 7-8 minutes depending on your preference, I love my fish a littler darker and crunchier so 8 minutes guarantees me that perfect texture.

Add enough fish to cover surface area of pan only (don't over fill or fish will not fry evenly).  Stir fish occasionally to help the fish to fry evenly.

Lift fish out with strainer and place on paper towel to assist with draining. 

Serve warm.  


  1. OK, Ms. Creole Contessa... PLEASE tell me how to make grits properly. The ONE and ONLY time I had them, they were mushy and sticky and something that I never EVER want to taste again.
    I would absolutely sit down and have fish for breakfast... ESPECIALLY with you :)

    1. I use cream, broth, water, or cream, have to season the liquid before adding the grits because it's hard to season properly once you add the grits. YOU MUST....I mean must, stir the grits for about the first 2 minutes as you slowly add them to the hot liquid...This pops the grits open...So start off on high, slowly stir in grits, whisk for 2 minutes after adding grits, reduce heat to low, cover, add more liquid if needed...cook about 30-35 minutes...and buy good grits...don't be afraid to add more liquid if needed...a lot of people think they can't but you must sometimes....and don't forget the real butter...the real key is season the liquid...and pop those grits open when first adding them...hope this helps...

  2. Do the grits have to set for 4 hours?

    1. No Shonna, I was thinking of making a grit casserole, changed my mind, forgot to delete that part...thank you...I updated it..
