Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Gouda Veggie Melt

Veggie Mama!

OK meat eaters, we have a problem. My baby girl decided yesterday that she is going "vegan," again. Yes, this is not the first time we have been through this and I am sure it want be the last.

First, I fully support my vegan veggie eaters. Secondly, I had to inform baby girl that "vegans" don't eat cheese. She was shocked, who in their right mind wouldn't eat cheese she yelled!

Umm, true vegans, not fake ones, I shouted back! Yes, in my house we talk loud and some would call it shouting.

And here goes the teaching lesson of the day. I told baby girl to go to Google, yes, Google and find out what exactly is a real vegan, and then decide if she is going vegan.

Well, she did, and she came back and said mom, I need to rethink this vegan thing because they don't eat cheese and I love cheese. Yes, I just told you that, but because it's on the internet now you believe me?

Baby girl decided that she would not eat any meat, she already can't eat seafood because she was born allergic. She said from what I read, I am not a full vegan, but I am "LAC-TO-OVO-VEGAN"  (try saying that quickly), because I eat eggs and I eat cheese.

I told baby girl, OK, so you are lacto-umm what ever vegan. So here we go again. Note to self, baby girl is a peace, love, and soul type of person, she was born this way. I call her my hippie girl, in a good way that is, because she loves bright colors  (all at the same time, lol) and she is the calmest, most joyful person I have ever met.

I am truly blessed to be her mom. She was born happy, and everyday of her life she has awakened with a smile on her face. I wonder if her part-time "veganism" has anything to do with her happiness. Only time will tell.

All baby girl is missing is a Tye-dye shirt, bell bottoms and flip flops and she would be back in the 1960's. By the way she actually has that exact outfit and she loves it. And no, I did not pick it out, she is 14 years old and she says she is "fashionable," I say yes you are, in a 1960's type of way.

And this is what we ended up with. I have to feed my baby girl, so it's to the drawing board I go to create some new recipes. I created this melt because my baby girl loves asparagus, avocados, tomatoes and Gouda. I roasted the asparagus first, and then built this glorious sandwich.

A little olive oil in a pan and we had melted goodness in minutes. And by the way, baby girl loved it! Her final words to me were mom, who needs meat, this taste way better then meat.

My final words to her were your dad needs meat, which means I will be cooking two separate dishes for dinner now. Meat-filled and meatless. Thanks baby girl.

Gouda Veggie Melt

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4 sandwiches


16 stalks of asparagus spears
8 slices of country white bread 
2 avocados, sliced
2 tomatoes, sliced, seeded
8 slices of bread
2 c. shredded Gouda cheese
1 lime, juiced
extra virgin olive oil
pinch of pepper
pinch of creole seasonings

Preheat oven to broil and place the asparagus spears in an ovenproof pan and sprinkle with a little olive oil and seasonings, toss to coat and broil for about 5 minutes.

Juice the lime in a medium bowl, slice the peeled avocados and toss in the bowl with lime juice, sprinkle a little seasonings on avocados and set aside.

Sliced the tomatoes and seed. Sprinkle a little seasonings on tomatoes if desired. 

Assemble the sandwich by placing bread on board, top each with 1/2 cup of Gouda cheese, top with 4 asparagus spears, a few slices of avocado and a slice of tomato. Top with other slice of bread and repeat. 

In  a large skillet add a little olive oil and toast bread about 3-4 minutes on each side, pressing down slightly. Repeat. 


  1. You made me laugh right out loud! This is a precious blog! But I love the sandwich and I'm not anywhere near a vegan. My oldest daughter would agree with your daughter. Who in the world would not eat cheese!.

    Linda (The Contessa)

    1. LOL too tumbleweed. Thank you for always stopping by.

  2. Loved this post :) I could never give up cheese..or meat. :( I wouldn't dare trying either lol.

    1. Thanks Ali, LOL, I don't blame you for not trying either.

  3. I'm in the same boat as you are, my 9 year old will not eat meat either and she loves all things veggie so this looks fabulous. We've made grilled cheese with roasted red peppers in and was delicious.

    1. Thanks Michele, I think this sandwich looks pretty good, lol I am going to make it again....LOL

  4. Have your daughter google "dairy farming" then check Amazon.com for these books so she can be a peaceful loving vegan soul and have her "cheese" too: Artisan Vegan Cheese by Miyoko Schinner, and The Non-Dairy Formulary by Skye Michael Conroy, aka The Gentle Chef.

  5. you are such a sweet supportive mother! thanks for the recipe will try it but without cheese :)

  6. I love grilled cheese sandwiches. It is so fun to add things and I like the asparagus and avocado
