Thursday, February 14, 2013

Mile High Cheesecake

Touch the Sky!

I love cheesecake but like most of you, unless you're going to the cheesecake factory to purchase a nice big slice of cheesecake, side-note: I love the cheesecake factory, I think I have pretty much tried every item on the menu, best turkey burger and grilled cheese I have ever tasted.

OK back on the subject, oftentimes we purchase cheesecakes that are limp, little, sunken in, just plain too small to be considered a cheesecake.

Well I have found the solution, Mile High Cheesecake it's everything most store bought cheesecakes could only dream to be, it's tall, not sunken in, not cracked, flavorful, rich, creamy, just plain, yum! If you don't believe me, try it for yourself, but watch out, it's addicting!

I like a lot of crust, this is why I made a double crust recipe to bring the crust up the sides. Using the back of a measuring cup makes this so easy to accomplish.

Pure beauty is what I say!

Mile High Cheesecake

adapted from Food for A Hungry Soul

8 oz. graham crackers, crushed finely
5 tbsp. butter, melted
3 tbsp. sugar

Crush graham crackers, add butter and sugar and mix well.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Butter spring form pan or spray with nonstick cooking spray. Place crust mixture in pan and with the back of a measuring cup, tap mixture on the bottom and up the sides of the spring form pan.

This is enough mixture to go halfway up the sides of the pan. Bake for 13 minutes, set aside to cool.

Cheesecake filling:

5 large eggs, room temperature
2 cups sour cream, room temperature
4 8-ounce packages Philadelphia cream cheese, room temperature
8 tbsp. unsalted butter, room temperature
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 tbsp. cornstarch
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tsp. fresh lemon juice
1 tsp. grated lemon zest


Preheat oven to 300 degrees

Wrap a double layer of heavy-duty aluminum foil tightly around the outside bottom and sides, crimping and pleating the foil to make it conform to the pan.  This will help to prevent water seeping into the pan.

Beat the eggs and sour cream until well blended about 1 minute.

In a medium-sized bowl, beat the cream cheese with the butter until smooth and creamy.  Add this to the egg-sour cream mixture and beat until smooth

Add the sugar, cornstarch, vanilla, lemon juice and lemon zest and beat thoroughly, about 2 minutes. 

Pour into the prepared spring form pan and place in a roasting pan (or other pan) large enough to prevent the sides from touching.  Place in the oven and carefully pour in enough very hot tap water to reach halfway up the sides of the spring form pan.

Bake for 2 hours, 15 minutes, or until the cake is very lightly colored and a knife inserted in the center emerges clean.  Remove from the water bath and carefully peel the aluminum foil from around the pan.  Let stand at room temperature until completely cool, about 4 hours.  

Refrigerate, covered, until well chilled. 

To Serve:

To cut cake, take a boiling cup of hot water, place knife in hot water and dry, cut one side, dip knife in water again, dry and cut again. Perfect cut!


  1. Oh wow! So glad to have this recipe. It's so beautiful. Cheesecake is one of my very favorites, but I rarely make it. Thanks for the excuse. :)

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  3. OMG! this looks sinfully yum...and I love your last click.

    1. Thank you Nisa,
      It was the best cheesecake I have ever made.

  4. Would it make a difference if I omitted the lemon? I have absolutely nothing against them, they're just hard to get around where I live.

    1. Hello Kayla, You can surely omit the lemon, you can add a little orange zest and juice, or even lime, or not use it at all, the cheesecake will still turn out great. Remember to allow the cake to chill over night, I allow my cakes to chill sometimes 2 days before eating if you can wait that long.

  5. Hi Lisa - Your cheesecake is beautiful and I can't wait to try it. I am wondering what size spring form pan you used. I have several and want to be sure I select the right one. Thanks - Cathy

    1. Hello Cathy, thank you for stopping by, it was a 9 inch pan.
