Thursday, February 27, 2014

Zone Perfect Blog Forward Challenge!

Yep, it's that time of year again, time to reflect on goals, resolutions, and accomplishments!

The choice to eat healthier and stick to it, is often the hardest thing to accomplish!

I am so honored to be chosen as a Zone Perfect Blog Forward Challenger!

image provided by zone perfect

What's a Zone Perfect Blog Forward Challenger you ask?

It's like a Brand Ambassador for Zone Perfect. Myself and lots of other bloggers are creating healthy resolutions throughout the year, and along with Zone Perfect we're sticking to them!

My top 3 resolutions are:
  1. Eating breakfast daily. I often skip breakfast because I am so busy working. This is not a good idea. I will make an effort to create a healthy, nutritious breakfast daily.
  2. Refueling my day with Zone Perfect Bars, instead of cookies and unhealthy snacks.
  3. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise, get moving and stay in the Zone with 30 minutes of exercise daily.
My 2014 Resolution Letter to Myself:

Hey Lisa,

Girl, you know what to do, you always have. You know you gotta use that gym you just created in your home and get moving. Yes, you're the Creole Contessa and you have a love of cheese, and that's perfectly o.k.

Moderation is key and making healthy choices throughout the day to keep your body properly fueled.

You got this, you're strong, motivated and determined to make 2014 the year of making healthier decisions. With the help of Zone Perfect, you're already succeeding.

Keep up the good work Girl, Life is Beautiful, and so are you!

Love, Lisa

This is not just about me folks, you too are included in the Zone Perfect Challenge!

Why not turn this into a family event.

Don't forget, we're taking it one day at a time, so stay in the Zone!

You can do it, and continue to check back throughout the year, as I share my Zone Perfect journey with you!

Full disclosure: I was provided a box of Zone Perfect bars free of charge as part of this program. I am not, however, actually affiliated with Zone Perfect, and am allowed to speak positively or negatively about the product, so like in all of my reviews, any opinions expressed are mine and based on my experience, and do not reflect the opinions of Zone Perfect or anyone else.