Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Creole Pot Stickers with Andouille and Chicken

Savory Bites!

I am spending the day with my little brother and he loves Asian food. OK he's not that little, 6'3 and he's almost thirty but to me he will always be my baby brother. My brother Darnell and I have a very special relationship. I am ten years older than him so he was like my little son growing up.  

Darnell is Autistic, he was diagnosed when he was three years old way back in the 1980's when a lot of people did not know much about Autism. Thanks to Dr. Lovass, and his wonderful team at UCLA, Darnell received excellent care, and I was trained as a young child on how to help Darnell be highly functional.  This training at UCLA lead me to become a special education teacher, which allowed me to help other children like Darnell. 

Although Darnell is not very verbal except when he really wants something, he understands everything. I have always been able to understand him and I am fully aware that Asian food is his favorite food to eat. 

I make Darnell Asian food all the time and whenever he comes to visit, which is almost everyday, and yes, he expects to eat Asian food. Yes, often times I cook two different meals, one for Darnell and one for Big Goo and Baby Girl. 

Baby Girl does get jealous sometimes, and refers to Darnell as the "King of All Foods," because he gets to eat whatever he likes, yes, he is spoiled but so is Baby Girl. 

Today I am making Darnell Pot Stickers which he loves and I am serving my pot stickers with spicy dipping sauce and steamed rice.

The pot stickers are ready to eat, and I froze half of them to cook next time. 

Creole Pot Stickers with Andouille and Chicken

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes
Servings: 50 pot stickers


2 boneless, skinless, chicken breast, diced in big chunks
1/2 lb. andouille sausage, fresh or smoked
2 c. shredded cabbage
1/2 bunch green onions
1 small red onion, diced
1 inch piece of ginger
2 Thai Chili
1 tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. creole seasoning or seasoning salt
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. onion powder
1 tsp. soy sauce
1 tsp. maggi seasoning
1 tsp. rice wine vinegar
cooking oil
wonton wrappers
 Spicy Dip (recipe below)


In a blender or food processor add all the vegetables and grind well, pour vegetable mixture into a large and set aside. Add chicken breast to food processor and grind well, add to vegetable mixture.

If using fresh andouille remove from casing and add to chicken vegetable mixture. If using smoked andouille add to food processor and coarse chop. Add andouille to chicken mixture.

Add all seasonings to mixture, soy sauce, maggi and rice wine vinegar. Mix well. Add about 2 tablespoons of cooking oil to skillet over medium high heat.

Add meat vegetable mixture and cook about 5 minutes. Transfer mixture to bowl and allow to cool. I put my mixture in the refrigerator uncovered to cool quickly.

Get a small bowl of water and a pastry brush.

Lay wonton wrappers on flat surface, baste with water around entire wrapper, place 1 teaspoonful of mixture in the center and seal shut, repeat.

Keep wontons covered with a damp towel to prevent them from drying out.

Heat a skillet on medium heat, add about 1 tablespoon of cooking oil, place wonton in pan, allow to brown about 2 minutes, add about 1/4 cup of water to pot and cover pot and allow wontons to steam about 3 minutes more are until cooked through.

Serve with a side of spicy dip.
Spicy Dip

1 tbsp. soy sauce
1 tbsp. chili sauce
1 tbsp. sriracha
1 tbsp. rice wine vinegar
1/2 tbsp. maggi seasoning
2 stalks green onions, sliced

 Mix well.


  1. I have a thing for pan-fried dumplings. Honestly, regardless of the filling, I just adore them. I love steamed dumplings too, but the texture of pan-fried is just fantastic. This filling is really great and creative! Love it!

    1. Thank you Victoria, I love dumplings all type of ways as well. Pan Fried, Deep Fried, Fried Fried, LOL. I just love them, I make them with smoked chicken, WOW it's so good. I will have to make them soon so I can post the recipe.
      Thank You,

  2. Any time I read potsticker in a recipe I straight away stick a pot on the stove ready to make them. BUT... I have always prefered steamed over fried dumplings. That soft slurpy texture really does it for me. Nice story inter-woven in there too CC!  ツ

    1. Thank you Amateur cook. They did not last long enough to stick to the pot, LOL. I froze half but I am about to cook them because my brother wants more. LOL

  3. Lisa, if I am not mistaken, is this also called as Tibetan momos...we used to live near a Tibetan settlement long back and thus is familiar with it....I also like steamed version, than fried ones...my Tibetan friends also taught me how to make the wrappers...must try your version with wonton wrappers....and love ur clicks too.

    1. Hello Nisa,
      Sometimes I make the wrappers but not when I am in a rush to eat, LOL. My husband prefers them deep fried, but I just love to eat them steamed or lightly pan fried.
